Scripting pipeline explained

Here we will attempt to explain entire scripting pipeline using examples of building blocks already made.

First things first

Now let's pick some building blocks. For backend we will use intuicio-backend-vm, and for frontend we will use intuicio-frontend-assembler (this may look quite unintuitive but it will allow us better explain how bindings work with scripts, so please bare with me for a little).

Create new Cargo project and add these dependencies:

intuicio-data = "*"
intuicio-core = "*"
intuicio-derive = "*"
intuicio-backend-vm = "*"
intuicio-frontend-assembler = "*"

Once we have created new project, now in import these:

fn main() {
use intuicio_backend_vm::prelude::*;
use intuicio_core::prelude::*;
use intuicio_derive::*;
use intuicio_frontend_assembler::*;

Now let's define a simple native function that our script will call:

fn main() {
#[intuicio_function(module_name = "lib")]
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

We use procedural attribute macro that will generate and fill Function type with all the information about this function. We could also construct it by hand, or even with procedural macro like this to register its result into Registry:

fn main() {
registry.add_function(define_function! {
    registry => mod lib fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> (result: i32) {
        (a + b,)

But for the sake of simplicity, just stay with intuicio_function macro.

Then in main function first thing we should create is Registry to store all definitions of structures and functions, both native and script side ones, we also add basic types to not have to add them manually, and register defined function into that registry:

fn main() {
let mut registry = Registry::default().with_basic_types();

Like we have said before, registry should hold all the structures and functions information that scripts can interact with, and because Registry turns immutable once it gets into execution phase, better to do that from the get go - you won't be able to modify registry later.

Next step is to load, parse, compile and install assembly script into registry:

fn main() {
let mut content_provider = FileContentProvider::new("iasm", AsmContentParser);
AsmPackage::new("./resources/main.iasm", &mut content_provider)
    .install::<VmScope<AsmExpression>>(&mut registry, None);

FileContentProvider allows to pull script content from file system, AsmContentParser parses assembly script content into AsmPackage (intermediate representation of assembly scripts), VmScope is a container for script operations compiled from AsmPackage and finally AsmExpression is a set of custom operations that assembly scripting language performs. Expressions are an essential part of Intuicio scripting, since bare bones script data has very limited, universal set of basic operations required to make scripts call functions and move data between stack and registers - expressions allow extending set of operations, in case of AsmExpression scripts can push literals into stack and drop and forget value from stack.

Last step is to construct Context and put it with Registry into Host that will allow calling any function from the registry:

fn main() {
let context = Context::new(
    // stack bytes capacity.
    // registers bytes capacity.
let mut host = Host::new(context, RegistryHandle::new(registry));
let (result,) = host
    .call_function::<(i32,), _>(
        // function name.
        // module name.
        // structure name if function belongs to one.
assert_eq!(result, 42);

Now the only thing what's left is to create ./resources/main.iasm file and fill it with script code:

mod test {
    fn main() -> (result: struct i32) {
        literal 40 i32;
        literal 2 i32;
        call mod lib fn add;

We can see all this script is doing is pushing data on stack and calling a function - this will help us explain what is happening much easier.

How data moves

Let's start with showing how our add function actually looks like to Host:

fn main() {
fn add(context: &mut Context, registry: &Registry) {
    let a = context.stack().pop::<i32>().unwrap();
    let b = context.stack().pop::<i32>().unwrap();
    let result = a + b;

Now from the example above we can see that execution starts from application-space when we tell Host to find main function of test module in host's registry, once is found, host passes its Context and Registry to function generated from script.

This is how test::main script function would look like to Host when converted to Rust:

fn main(context: &mut Context, registry: &Registry) {
        .find_function(FunctionQuery {
            name: Some("add".into()),
            module_name: Some("lib".into()),
        .invoke(context, registry);

So both together simply reduce to:

fn main(context: &mut Context, registry: &Registry) {
    add(context, registry);

And this is basically exactly how and why Intuicio doesn't care about which side (script or native) calls what side - both script and native sides are calling each other the same way, and VmScope is just a container for script operations in the middle of interactions to make script side look the same as native side to host - this opens quite interesting opportunity, if expression type matches, to use different frontends together in one application. You can think of it as something like .NET platform for Rust.


To summarize, Intuicio is actually just an engine to move data from place to place via stack, it doesn't care what is the data, it doesn't specify limits on the types of data (other than data has to be owned), it also doesn't care what is the place this data moves to, all it does is moves the data and both script and native side tells it when to move what data - simple as that!