Asset Path
serves as thin wrapper around copy-on-write string with cached ranges
of standarized path (<protocol>://<path>?<key1>=<value1>&<flag>
) components:
- protocol
- path
- optional meta data
Example asset paths:
- asset path without protocol, only path part.text://ui/texts/lorem.txt
- asset path with protocol.text://ui/texts/lorem.txt?v=3&uppercase
- asset path with path and meta key-values.
Most common asset paths are ones with protocol and meta key-values. Paths without protocols are possible, but not useful, unless you register an asset protocol that handles them (which is almost never the case, but one could have it as protocol resolved by any other means - since library is modular, user can setup database however they like).
Asset paths are useful mostly in getting asset handles by their asset paths, or storage queries/lookups by specific asset path.
let path = AssetPath::new("text://lorem.txt?v=3&uppercase");
println!("- protocol: {:?}", path.protocol());
for segment in path.path_parts() {
println!(" - path segment: {:?}", segment);
for (key, value) in path.meta_items() {
println!(" - path meta key: {:?} value: {:?}", key, value);
let lorem = database.ensure(path)?;