Fallback assets wrapper
allows to provide list of assets that should be considered
to load instead of requested assets (with matching protocol) when requested asset
fails to load - for example if requested texture does not exists, we can fallback
to popular magenta solid color texture that indicates missing textures.
use keket::{
fetch::{fallback::FallbackAssetFetch, file::FileAssetFetch},
use std::error::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut database = AssetDatabase::default()
// Fallback asset fetch in case of error on requested asset bytes load
// will try to load asset with matching protocol from fallback paths.
// This fallback asset does not exists so it will be ignored.
// This asset exists so it will be loaded as fallback.
// This asset exists so it loads normally.
let lorem = database.ensure("text://lorem.txt")?;
// This asset does not exists so it loads fallback asset.
let non_existent = database.ensure("text://non-existent.txt")?;
if lorem.access::<&String>(&database) == non_existent.access::<&String>(&database) {
println!("Non existent asset loaded from fallback!");