Managing your project

Once you've created your project, there is set of commands to run.

NOTE: Each game template contains setup for multiple platforms, although for day-to-day development you might want to use desktop platform commands.

We encourage to use just commands with configured oxygengine-ignite calls for best experience.

Each of these just commands can have an optional last parameter specifying platform to run command for (defaults to desktop when ommitted).

Day-to-day development

Bake project assets into asset packs for development cycle to use:

just bake

Format project code:

just format

Compile project:

just dev build

Run project (best to run only for desktop platform, because web is not configured here at all):

just dev run

Test project (best to run only for desktop platform, because web might not be configured here properly):

just dev test

Live development with code recompilation and assets re-baking on change:

just live

Files will be served from: http://localhost:8080.

Production distribution

Build game binaries in debug mode:

just prod build debug

Build game binaries in release mode:

just prod build release

Package game distribution in debug mode:

just prod package debug

Package game distribution in release mode:

just prod package release