Creating new project

Oxygengine uses a concept called "Game Templates" where instead of starting from scratch, you create your new project from one of few existing game templates:

  • base - Contains barebones setup for the simplest game example. Use it create "blank project" to later configure with more modules.
  • game - Contains more complex setup with modules you would use in production-level games. Use it if you decided to get deep into developing your dream game.
  • prototype - Contains ergonomic framework for quick and dirty game prototypes with more imperative than data-driven approach.

Create new game project with default (game) game template:

oxygengine-ignite new <project-name>

for example:

oxygengine-ignite new dream-game

Create new game project with specified game template to use:

oxygengine-ignite new <project-name> -p <game-template-name>

for example:

oxygengine-ignite new dream-game -p game

Create new game project in specified path:

oxygengine-ignite new <project-name> -d <path-to-parent-directory>

for example:

oxygengine-ignite new dream-game -d ~/game-projects/