Hardware Accelerated rendering

Here we will take a deeper look at how Oxygengine's hardware Accelerated rendering model works.


HA renderer uses completely data-driven, material-graph based rendering approach. The most important unit in HA renderer is Render Pipeline.

  • Render Pipelines are containers for Render Targets and Render Stages.
  • Render Targets are a GPU storage, more precisely dynamic textures that all rendered information gets stored into.
  • Render Stages are containers for Render Queues and are used by dedicated render systems which define how entities (or any custom data in mater of fact) gets rendered into Render Target that Render Stage points to.
  • Render systems work on cameras and record Render Commands into Render Queue assigned to given Render Stage.
  • Render Stage also defines Material Domain (which is basically a shader backend) that will be linked with Material Graphs (which are shader frontends) of entities that gets rendered (more about how Materials works later on this page).

Material-graph based rendering

While most game engines expose raw shaders to the users to make them tell exactly how anything should be rendered, Oxygengine took another path and do not expose any shader code, these are considered engine internals that user should never be forced to write on their own. More than that, shaders gets baked at runtime (or build-time, both material graphs and baked materials are assets) only when engine finds that certain pair of material domain (backend) and material graph (frontend) are gonna be used in rendering.

Material domain and material graphs always work in tandem, material domain job is to preprocess vertex and uniform data and send it to material graph (via specific interface that given domain defines) for it to postprocess that data and send it back for material domain to store it properly in target outputs.

The reason for them being separate units is because HA renderer aims for in case of user wanting to do some different visuals than default ones provided by the engine, to focus only on the effect and don't bother writing additional logic just to meet specialized vertex format and render target requirements. Another benefit we get from this approach is that now user can make his frontend material once and renderer will bake at runtime all variants needed by all pairs of domain and graph materials.

This basically means that user can now get his material graph working without any additional work with any vertex format and target format that renderer find compatible at runtime. In even simpler words: imagine you have a material graph that has to add outlines to the image, in that case no matter if you render your entity for example in forward or deferred renderer, it will work for both by default as long as both use material domains which provide domain node that your outline material uses.

IMPORTANT: All shader variants for given material are considered unique as long as they have different Material Signatures:

  • Material Signature is defined by Material Mesh Signature + Material Render Target Signature + Domain name + Vertex Middlewares used.
  • Material Mesh Signature is defined by unique Vertex Layout (vertex layouts are defined by meshes, to be more precise by the vertex format given mesh data uses).
  • Material Render Target Signature is defined by set of render target output names.

1 picture say more than 1000 words

Let's take a look at the simplest material domain (this is code-side representation of the material domain/graph):

material_graph! {
    inputs {
        [fragment] inout BaseColor: vec4 = {vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)};

        [vertex] uniform model: mat4;
        [vertex] uniform view: mat4;
        [vertex] uniform projection: mat4;

        [vertex] in position: vec3 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        [vertex] in color: vec4 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    outputs {
        [vertex] inout TintColor: vec4;
        [vertex] inout ScreenPosition: vec4;

        [vertex] builtin gl_Position: vec4;
        [fragment] out finalColor: vec4;

    [model_view_projection = (mul_mat4,
      a: projection,
      b: (mul_mat4,
        a: view,
        b: model
    [pos = (append_vec4, a: position, b: {1.0})]
    [screen_position = (mul_mat4_vec4, a: model_view_projection, b: pos)]

    [color -> TintColor]
    [screen_position -> ScreenPosition]
    [screen_position -> gl_Position]
    [BaseColor -> finalColor]

In this snippet we can see that this particular material domain expects model + view + projection uniforms, as well as position + color vertex inputs, and it writes data to gl_Position vertex output and finalColor target output. This basically means that this material domain will work with stage that writes to finalColor target output and position + color vertex format. It also will bake shader variants for any material graph that might read TintColor and/or ScreenPosition domain input, and might write BaseColor domain output.

Consider domain input/outputs to be purely an optional interface between material domain and material graph. You might ask now: "why domain interface is optional?" well, this is where this approach shines: you see, when material domain gets combined with material graph, it will bake shader only from nodes that leads directly from target outputs to vertex inputs, with all required nodes along the way, every node not used in that path won't get compiled into shader variant.

Now let's take a look at the simplest material graph:

material_graph! {
    inputs {
        [vertex] inout TintColor: vec4 = {vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)};

    outputs {
        [fragment] inout BaseColor: vec4;

    [[TintColor => vColor] -> BaseColor]

Here in this material graph we can see we only use domain interface and just move input color from vertex shader stage to fragment shader stage and send it back to material domain to let it store properly for its render target outputs - when user is making material graph, (s)he doesn't have to care about how to write to targets, (s)he can only care how to process domain inputs into domain outputs and domain takes care of properly storing data into target outputs.

Now imagine user wants to create material graph that do not use TintColor at all, rather converts ScreenPosition into BaseColor:

material_graph! {
    inputs {
        [vertex] inout ScreenPosition: vec4 = {vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)};

    outputs {
        [fragment] inout BaseColor: vec4;

    [[ScreenPosition => vColor] -> BaseColor]

This material graph when combined with our previously defined material domain, will bake shader with nodes that only use screen position calculated in domain graph and not include color vertex data in the shader at all since this shader variant does not use it. Now, do you also see the benefits of this over usual #ifdef-ed raw shaders? You can focus on what effect you want to achieve without caring about engine internals you work with, trying to define or even limit yourself with effects.

Material middlewares

Another concept used with material graphs is material middlewares - an ergonomic way to "inject" other material graphs as material input preprocessor.

Consider you have a vertex format like this:

vertex_type! {
    #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    @tags(SurfaceDomain, SurfaceTexturedDomain)
    pub struct SurfaceVertexPT {
        #[serde(default = "default_position")]
        pub position: vec3 = position(0, bounds),
        #[serde(default = "default_texture_coord")]
        pub texture_coord: vec3 = textureCoord(0),

It is used to render for example regular entity sprites. Now you want to make these sprites animated with skinning. Normally you would need to duplicate all material domains that has to work with skinning which makes future changes and general material maintanance subjective to being out of sync for starters - we can avoid that problem entirely using material middlewares!

You start with defining skinned vertex format with skinning data only:

vertex_type! {
    #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct SurfaceSkinningFragment {
        #[serde(default = "default_bone_indices")]
        pub bone_indices: int = boneIndices(0),
        #[serde(default = "default_bone_weights")]
        pub bone_weights: vec4 = boneWeights(0),

As you can see, we have marked this vertex format to use skinning middleware. We also define compound vertex format that will make that sprite vertex format mixed with skinned vertex format:

compound_vertex_type! {
    #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    @tags(SurfaceDomain, SurfaceSkinnedDomain, SurfaceTexturedDomain)
    pub struct SurfaceVertexSPT {
        pub vertex: SurfaceVertexPT,
        pub skinning: SurfaceSkinningFragment,

Now we have to add skinning middleware material graph to Material Library resource:

library.add_function(graph_material_function! {
   fn skinning_fetch_bone_matrix(texture: sampler2D, index: int) -> mat4 {
       [return (make_mat4,
           a: (texelFetch2d, sampler: texture, coord: (make_ivec2, x: {0}, y: index), lod: {0}),
           b: (texelFetch2d, sampler: texture, coord: (make_ivec2, x: {1}, y: index), lod: {0}),
           c: (texelFetch2d, sampler: texture, coord: (make_ivec2, x: {2}, y: index), lod: {0}),
           d: (texelFetch2d, sampler: texture, coord: (make_ivec2, x: {3}, y: index), lod: {0})
library.add_function(graph_material_function! {
   fn skinning_weight_position(bone_matrix: mat4, position: vec4, weight: float) -> vec4 {
       [return (mul_mat4_vec4,
           a: bone_matrix,
           b: (mul_vec4, a: position, b: (fill_vec4, v: weight))
    material_graph! {
        inputs {
            [vertex] in position as in_position: vec3 = {vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)};
            [vertex] in boneIndices: int = {0};
            [vertex] in boneWeights: vec4 = {vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)};

            [vertex] uniform boneMatrices: sampler2D;

        outputs {
            [vertex] out position as out_position: vec3;

       [pos = (append_vec4, a: in_position, b: {1.0})]
       [index_a = (bitwise_and, a: boneIndices, b: {0xFF})]
       [index_b = (bitwise_and, a: (bitwise_shift_right, v: boneIndices, bits: {8}), b: {0xFF})]
       [index_c = (bitwise_and, a: (bitwise_shift_right, v: boneIndices, bits: {16}), b: {0xFF})]
       [index_d = (bitwise_and, a: (bitwise_shift_right, v: boneIndices, bits: {24}), b: {0xFF})]
       [result = (skinning_weight_position,
           bone_matrix: (skinning_fetch_bone_matrix, texture: boneMatrices, index: index_a),
           position: pos,
           weight: (maskX_vec4, v: boneWeights)
       [weighted = (skinning_weight_position,
           bone_matrix: (skinning_fetch_bone_matrix, texture: boneMatrices, index: index_b),
           position: pos,
           weight: (maskY_vec4, v: boneWeights)
       [result := (add_vec4, a: result, b: weighted)]
       [weighted := (skinning_weight_position,
           bone_matrix: (skinning_fetch_bone_matrix, texture: boneMatrices, index: index_c),
           position: pos,
           weight: (maskZ_vec4, v: boneWeights)
       [result := (add_vec4, a: result, b: weighted)]
       [weighted := (skinning_weight_position,
           bone_matrix: (skinning_fetch_bone_matrix, texture: boneMatrices, index: index_d),
           position: pos,
           weight: (maskW_vec4, v: boneWeights)
       [result := (add_vec4, a: result, b: weighted)]
       [(truncate_vec4, v: result) -> out_position]

What is important there, material middlewares has to define in and out pins that it injects in between, so in case of skinning we essentially tell material compiler we want to inject skinning before vertex position data gets passed to actual material - we are making skinning middleware as vertex input preprocessor:

inputs {
  [vertex] in position as in_position: vec3 = {vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)};
outputs {
  [vertex] out position as out_position: vec3;

Now whenever we want to render mesh with SurfaceVertexSPT vertex format (skinned position texcoord), for every material that has to use it, there will be compiled shader variant with skinning injected - no more duplicating materials with extra features, when we can just inject these features (middlewares) directly into materials that use them!

As you can see, all of this moves away burden of careful producing of all shader code from user to the engine. With materials there is no more need for any tedious, boilerplate-y and unnecessary #ifdef-ed shader code - we have reduced the complexity of shader creation and management to bare minimum.