Getting started

Before we jump into the meat of Systems Architecture, let me quickly show you a snippet showcasing how working with Systems looks like in a gist:

Click to unfold code snippet

// Actor componetns are treated as data/tags put on actors, that user reads from
// or writes to, using system queries.
UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, Meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class EXAMPLE_API UPlayerComponent : public USystemsActorComponent

UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, Meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class EXAMPLE_API UEnemyComponent : public USystemsActorComponent

// System are usually lambdas/functions that process chunks of systems world
// data (it can be querying actor components, managing resources or just
// processing some data - the point is we focus on processing game data, no
// matter its form).
void HuntSystem(USystemsWorld& Systems)
	const auto DeltaTime = Systems.GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds();

	// Systems Architecture adds an interface over game world that allows us to
	// treat it as database that we can query, also rather than putting logic
	// into each object, we rather perform batched data processing on a set of
	// requested components.
	for (auto& PlayerData : Systems.Query<UPlayerComponent>())
		// Queries always yield tuple with actor that owns components
		// requested for query, in addition to following components.
		auto* PlayerActor = PlayerData.Get<0>();
		const auto PlayerPosition = PlayerActor->GetActorLocation();

		const auto Nearest = Systems
								 // Mapping iterator is one of the most commonly used
								 // types of iterators that transform data from one form
								 // to another, usually to get exact information needed
								 // by next iterators in chain, or to just process it and
								 // collect the result.
								 .Map<TTuple<FVector, float>>(
									 [&](const auto& EnemyData)
										 const auto* EnemyActor = EnemyData.Get<0>();
										 const auto EnemyPosition = EnemyActor->GetActorLocation();
										 const auto Distance = FVector::Distance(PlayerPosition, EnemyPosition);

										 return MakeTuple(EnemyPosition, Distance);
								 // Finding the nearest enemy based on distance extracted
								 // in previous iteration step.
									 [](const auto& A, const auto& B)
										 const auto DistanceA = A.Get<1>();
										 const auto DistanceB = B.Get<1>();

										 return DistanceA < DistanceB;

		if (Nearest.IsSet())
			const auto TargetPosition = Nearest.GetValue().Get<0>();
			const auto Direction = (TargetPosition - PlayerPosition).GetSafeNormal();
			const auto Velocity = Direction * 100.0f * DeltaTime;

			PlayerActor->SetActorLocation(PlayerPosition + Velocity);

class EXAMPLE_API UExampleGameInstance : public UGameInstance

	virtual void Init() override;

void UExampleGameInstance::Init()

	auto* Subsystem = USystemsSubsystem::Get(GetWorld());
	if (IsValid(Subsystem))
			[&](auto& Systems)
				// Due to how queries are resolved, we need to register all
				// components we might want to query.

				// Persistent systems (ones that will run on every game tick)
				// have to be registered in systems world. There are many types
				// of systems, but commonly used ones are state-less
				// lambda/function systems. System labels
				// ("Hunt") are used for resolving systems dependency graph
				// (user can provide sets of systems that given one has to run
				// before and after).
				Systems.InstallLambdaSystem(HuntSystem, FInstallSystemOptions("Hunt"));

Table of contents

Systems Architecture is not an ECS!

This is very important to say upfront:

Although at first glance Systems Architecture API looks somewhat like ECS, it definitely is not one.

There are similarities in both, but ECS do more than treat game as database, and its design choices revolve around best performance possible for massive worlds and making improved productivity and reduction of complexity is a side-effect of that, while Systems Architecture doesn't change much to the Unreal Engine API, rather resuses its parts (like actors and actor components) and only adds an API to enable accessing and processing game world in database-like fashion, making Systems Architecture focusing mostly on ergonomics and reducement of overall complexity.

That doesn't mean Systems Architecture doesn't care about performance - it already makes its internals do as less work as possible, and more optimizations are gonna arrive in further development, but the grand goal is and will be always making Unreal Engine game developers life as easier as possible.

That being said, Systems Architecture took great amount of inspiration from ECS, mostly from Rust ECS-based libraries and game engines that proven over time that database-like DOD approach to game logic is not only viable, but also highly beneficial for faster and easier game development process:

As well as Rust lazy-iterators and channel APIs.


More Data-Oriented-Design approach to game logic

Most infromation you can find prasing DOD focuses too much on its benefits to game performance with huge worlds. I would safely say that this actually shouldn't be the main thing DOD should be recognized by, there is even more important benefit of thinking in terms of data and data processing rather than communication between objects (OOP) - avoiding common pitfalls when trying to model game systems around Real World Things TM.

All game is, is just a bunch of data in memory that gets transformed from one form to another.

When we realize that, we can better and easier solve problems by designing data and game logic that works best together and do as less work as possible, instead of adding lots of usually unnecessary abstraction layers just because we might have a false intuition that representing data and logic in human-readable real world representation somehow will make us understand it better and quicker, while after year of development on each game, we find ourselves struggling with adding, removing or just changing how certain parts of game logic works, slapping hacky solutions here and there just to meet deadlines (we can't remove deadlines but we can reduce complexity).

We all have been through that, and we all promise ourselves we are not gonna make same mistakes again in next project, we just need to "better design how our objects communicate", while making totally new and even more problematic mistakes along the way - we can all agree that this next project is never actually free from mistakes we did last time, they all share same source.

That being said DOD isn't a miracle cure that solves all our problems, it brings its own to the table.

But all these problems revolve around us still trying to slap our (false) intuition about objects communication into problems that do not require these in the first place, us not being able to easily switch our brains from thinking in terms of object communication into thinking in terms of data transformations.

Yes, this takes time to appreciate data, but it pays off eventually with us being able to solve problems right way, not creating workarounds here ant there just to follow tons of abstraction layers requirements.

I hope this book will do its best to speed up switching from OOP to more DOD approach, by showing how to simplify problems without using tons of design patterns.

Flat and deterministic flow of data

Events-based logic approach commonly used in Unreal Engine is great for triggering foreign actions (a.k.a. objects messaging) but has one big flaw - it's not scalable as project grows. This happens because user have very limited control over order of actions happening when using events, and it grows into even bigger problem as dependency graph between parts of event-based logic grows.

Dependency graph in events-based game logic is a set of hidden rules of what action requires what other action to run before and after this one, to make sure objects being communicated have valid and expected state at each point of action execution. Hidden, because these rules emerge over time without user noticing them.

Basically any situation where feature A to run properly, depends on feature B to have a certain data, but that data is provided by feature C and so on, and there is no clear way to determine the order of actions that prepare data for any other feature in all code points related to this problem.

Sometimes it gets even worse when features triggers events that receivers triggers their events and their receivers triggers their events and so on - you can see where i'm going with it, this quickly turns into The Fuck Cascade TM of tons of state recalculation along the way in a single point in time, just to keep all objects always have valid state that depends on other game features state. This is clearly unmanageable and requires a lot of refactoring to either remove dependencies between them or to defer operations in time. This is something user usually do not put much thought into, until a really weird bug happen in some place unrelated to the problem.

Ok, so what we can do about it?

Well, flatten dependency graph and put execution of game features in line as much as possible. With that we reduce cognitive complexity to bare minimum, and user can easily manage exact order of actions to make sure state is always valid and do not need to recalculate on each change causing cascade of instant changes in features that depend on it - TL;DR: user can see exact flow of data in one place and that makes it easy to reason about, no need for juggling around the whole codebase.

In case user still wants to send data with events, but keep deterministic events execution, Systems Architecture provides feature called channels which uses polling to get received messages and execute them at the exact moment system needs to, avoiding immediate message execution when broadcasting messages.

There is also another benefit we gain from flat dependency graph, that we will discuss next:

Orthogonal and compact game logic

Quote from Eric Steven Raymond in Art of UNIX programming:

Orthogonality is one of the most important properties that can help make even complex designs compact. In a purely orthogonal design, operations do not have side effects; each action (whether it's an API call, a macro invocation, or a language operation) changes just one thing without affecting others. There is one and only one way to change each property of whatever system you are controlling.

What intrests us game developers from this quote is that when we express game logic in a set of simple work units we can easier reduce (or even remove) dependencies between parts of game logic and that allows us to easily reason about them (small code) and add/change/remove them without much time spend on refactoring (next to none dependencies between game logic parts).

Orthogonal game systems are ones that do not require each other to work (like you remove one and your game still runs), but they together make up bigger feature.

How Systems Architecture helps to achieve that?

Well, it helps by forcing user to think about data transformations instead of object communication. When we do not have to deal with abstractions, what's left is data and how we process that data. That allows to focus on solving actual problem instead of trying to fit it into some design pattern.

Because systems are all about data transformations, and System Architecture provides an ergonomic way for performing these (such as queries over game world and iterators), each system by the nature of data it works on, will keep itself doing only the work it needs and not causing hidden cascades of changes in the world, making every change explicit and intentional.

Simple example would be: instead of having per unit movement that handles input, position change and physics at once, you create separate systems:

  • input system that collects player input and turns it into input data stored either in a global resource or in some actor component, it depends on what you want to do with this data later.

    You should always design your data around what it's gonna be used for, not the other way around!

  • velocity resolve system that reads input data available for given actor and converts these inputs into velocity change and stores it in velocity component.

  • position change system that reads velocity and applies it to unit position.

You might think: "ok, but this particular example seems to be an easy task that can be just executed all in one place" - and you couldn't be wrong more.

Look at the bigger picture - few months later you'll need to extend or replace physics, or you would need to add another physics resolvers that work on unit velocity and at that point this code gets bigger. You obviously split it into smaller methods, but now designers wants you to let them parameterize or even disable some of its parts at will - well, hello Refactor Tractor TM my old friend. If you split these into smaller batched work units, you gain both easy way to toggle each stage of movement and even be able to quickly change or even remove/replace with brand new ones, not to mention being able to quickly add parameterization for designers in matter of minutes to hour, not days.

Like i said before:

Keeping systems small makes it easy to reason about them and that is a one huge productivity booster that you'll love to still have after year of development on your game.

Modularity and reusability

Modularity, which means we can build complex features from smaller building blocks, gives us an ability to reuse or even share these modules with other developers (free or paid, on github or marketplace). In companies it is even more important to share and reuse certain modules between different teams and products, as demand for making more by doing less grows as company structure and portfolio grows.

Systems Architecture, by its design, allows to put generalized systems and components into separate modules, with none (or sometimes next to none) dependencies between other parts of the game. Are you making a simulation game with NPCs wandering around on the map in one project, then in next one you need to make them too? Put these in a module or just migrate them to another project. Code that doesn't compile? Fear no more, you have got decoupled systems at the moment you've started making them, there is next to none work needed after migration, just register systems into pipeline and slap these components on actors and run the game.

For indies and Unreal Engine plugin creators there are also great news!

Systems Architecture core design, when treated as platform/framework, enables Unreal Engine plugin developers to finally create an ecosystem of plugins trully compatible with each other. Ecosystem of compatible plugins that do not require a hussle of installation steps, makes plugins more accessible for users that want game features that Just Works TM and creates opportunity for more sales for plugin devs - this is a big win for both worlds, users and creators.

And as a bonus:

System Architecture is and will always remain free under permissive licenses, for anyone, accepting reasonable contributions that improve its ergonomics, quality and performance.


If you should take anything from this, remember:

When making games, you're basically just processing data and you don't need fancy distraction-abstractions for that.

  • Make it flat
  • Make it small
  • Make it compact and disconnected from other systems

Then you'll keep your sanity after year of development on a single game title.

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