Setup game

  1. Create new data asset that inherits from USystemsPipeline:

    Create data asset

    And name it DA_TutorialPipeline.

  2. Add components:

    • C++

      Add C++ components

    • Blueprint

      Add Blueprint components

  3. Add persistent systems:

    • C++

      Add C++ systems

    • Blueprint

      Add Blueprint systems

  4. Create new game object that inherits from ASystemsGameMode:

    Create game mode

    And name it BP_TutorialGameMode.

  5. Assign BP_TutorialPipeline to Systems Pipeline property:

    Create game mode

  6. Assign BP_TutorialGameMode to level you want this pipeline to run on:

    Create game mode

  7. Put some of BP_Entity actors on level, run game in PIE and see systems performing!

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