Setup system


  • Tutorial/Systems/TutorialMovementSystem.h:

    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    class USystemsWorld;
    void TUTORIAL_API TutorialMovementSystem(USystemsWorld& Systems);
  • Tutorial/Systems/TutorialMovementSystem.cpp:

    #include "Tutorial/Systems/Persistent/TutorialMovementSystem.h"
    #include "Systems/Public/SystemsWorld.h"
    #include "Tutorial/Components/TutorialMovementComponent.h"
    void TutorialMovementSystem(USystemsWorld& Systems)
        const auto DeltaTime = Systems.GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds();
            [&](auto& QueryItem)
                auto* Actor = QueryItem.Get<0>();
                auto* Movement = QueryItem.Get<1>();
                const auto Position = Actor->GetActorLocation();
                const auto Velocity = Movement->Value * DeltaTime;
                Actor->SetActorLocation(Position + Velocity);

Since this is a lambda system, we need to register it to FSystemsReflection. To do that you have to register it in your game module:

  • Tutorial/Tutorial.h:

    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    #include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
    class FTutorialModule : public IModuleInterface
        virtual void StartupModule() override;
        virtual void ShutdownModule() override;
  • Tutorial/Tutorial.cpp:

    #include "Tutorial.h"
    #include "Systems/Public/SystemsReflection.h"
    #include "Tutorial/Systems/Persistent/TutorialMovementSystem.h"
    #define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "FTutorialModule"
    #define SYSTEMS_NAMESPACE "Tutorial"
    void FTutorialModule::StartupModule()
    void FTutorialModule::ShutdownModule()
    IMPLEMENT_GAME_MODULE(FTutorialModule, Tutorial);


  1. Create new game object that inherits from Object:

    Create query

    And name it BP_TutorialMovementQuery.

  2. Add BP_TutorialMovement component and actor proeprties to tell over what systems world elements this query wants to iterate over.

    Add query properties

    Here Actor is Actor and Movement is BP_TutorialMovement component.

  3. Create new game object that inherits from UScriptableSystem:

    Create system

    And name it BP_TutorialMovementSystem.

  4. Override On Run event:

    Override OnRun event

  5. Create Query node and assign BP_TutorialMovementQuery class to it:

    Add query node

  6. Create Lazy Iterate node:

    Add lazy iterate node

  7. Perform update on yielded object:

    Perform update

    Note that Movement::Value is multiplied by Delta Time provided by On Run event.

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